- Publish Result and Marks through your School website.
- Do assignment and work by using web-school facilities
- Easily add & update content: add newsflashes, news articles, calendar events, photos, scanned images, documents and more …
- Set ‘start’ and ‘finish’ publishing dates to keep content current
- Keep your school contact details and calendar events up to date
- Create photo albums and upload images
- Upload documents to create a ‘virtual filing cabinet’
- Edit your site where and when it suits you from anywhere in the world at any time of day or night
- Create individual user accounts for parents, teachers, staff and children to control access to areas of the site
- Download Admission Application Form from your site
- Update site design without rewriting content
- Integrate multi-media (video & sound) and Flash animations into your site
- Seamlessly customise the way your site content is organised and automatically create new links across the site